Nanomade’s ambition is to develop a centralised monitoring system to detect incidents such as falls among the elderly and notify the emergency services and staff concerned in real time. Our aim was to propose an advanced, cost-effective technological solution that could be adapted to cover large areas such as retirement homes or hospitals.
The Smart Floor is a multi-point force detection device capable of locating and tracking the movements of individuals. Our current version is capable of :
detect the presence of people
measure the flow of people;
record pressure variations (detect falls).
In its final version, the Smart Floor will be able to identify falls by analysing data from the various sensors, and instantly alert care units or pre-registered contacts.
The Nanomade solution
Our Smart Floor sensor, based on an exclusive ink, transforms the surface to which it is applied into a sensitive multi-force platform. Its intrinsic flexibility, its compatibility with various materials and its ability to cover large surfaces make this technology a versatile solution. What’s more, its high cost-effectiveness ratio means we can easily deploy our technology in large-scale projects such as retirement homes, hospitals or commercial spaces.
This breakthrough from Nanomade provides a proactive surveillance solution, offering increased security and peace of mind for the spaces involved.
Hospitals, EPHAD, Rehabilitation centres, Individuals requiring home care
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